The mandorla, or almond, shape is an ancient symbol celebrating women’s wisdom and fertility (which in our modern understanding is not strictly reproductive–creativity is also a manifestation of fertility). It is the divine feminine: a sacred, life-giving form. When I want to honor my place in this world as a creative woman, I start by focusing on affection and tenderness for myself. This necklace helps me bring this inner softness into my daily life so that my creativity comes from a place of love.
The Gem of Intention Slides work with the same beautiful symbolism as the Pendants, but are smaller and (mostly) without gemstones. These designs are perfect for anyone with a sporty or simple style, who might like to layer this with other necklaces, or who would like an everyday-wear option. Like all Gems of Intention, they feature a little carved heart on the back- from my open heart to yours!